Monday, October 30, 2006

Melting Man

I have a pretty full day, so I really have to find cracks in time to get any drawing done. I've been keeping 3x5 white index cards and a ballpoint pen in my pocket so that I can doodle whenever an oppurtunity arises. Although its not ideally how I want to work, its resulted in some bizzare wanderings of the subconcious. Here's the Melting Man.

here's a look at the proccess...

Well, I gotta send my laptop into the shop for a week or so to replace the sound card so this is it for now. I'll paint this one when it gets back.


BrianMORANTE said...

hey man great stuff, as usual....

dankit said...

I kind of like how the top of his head is separated in the photo. And it's funny, that's how I felt in the meeting when you were drawing it.

Unknown said...

hahaha ya gotta love the index of my favorite things to sketch on too!!